How to Check for Train Delays

Train lines may be delayed due to weather, safety checks, passenger injury, or a number of other reasons.  Delays will be announced on TV, on train apps, and on certain websites.

If you use a Japanese train app or website such as JorudanNavitime, or Yahoo! Japan’s 路線情報 (rosenjōhō), all delays will be announced next to a warning (!) icon.  Some helpful Japanese words are listed below:

運行情報 unkō jōhō service information
運行状況 unkō jōkyō service status
(列車)遅延 (ressha) chien (train) delay
運転見合わせ unten miawase service stopped and will resume as soon as possible
運休 unkyū service is stopped or cancelled indefinitely
運転再開 unten saikai service resumed
平常運転 heijō unten trains are running normally
人身事故 jinshin jiko passenger injury
台風の影響で taifū no eikyō de due to the typhoon

Check here for more useful disaster-related vocabulary in Japanese.

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